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Linn's Zillions of Stamps offers no warranty as to performance, or any other warranties expressed or implied. The user assumes the entire risk of using information and services supplied by Linn's, and Linn's accepts no responsibility or liability for the information made available on Linn's Zillions of Stamps web site, or for any losses, damages, inconvenience, etc., which may result directly or indirectly from the use thereof. All transactions between buyer and seller arising directly from information made available by Linn's Zillions of Stamps are the responsibility of buyer and seller, and are not the responsibility of Linn's Zillions of Stamps. However, members offering items for sale on Zillions of Stamps are expected to conduct their businesses in accordance with Linn's online transaction policy:


Linn's Online Transactions Guidelines



Stamps or philatelic material, which the buyer finds to be in unsatisfactory condition, may be returned to the seller for full refund or replacement if returned as sent. Returns must be made within five days of receipt by the buyer, unless other return periods are specified by the seller. Refund, or replacement, must be made by the seller within three days of receipt of the returned item.


Sellers are normally expected to fill orders within five days of receipt of good remittance. In cases where shipment is withheld pending clearance of check (which varies from five to sixteen days, depending on location), sellers will notify the buyer, giving approximate shipping date, unless check clearance terms are stated.


Stamps in Zillions of Stamps shall be accurately described. All items offered without explanation will be assumed to be sound and genuine in all respects. Damaged, repaired or altered stamps must be properly described.


A listing in Zillions of Stamps is considered a warranty by the seller that all items offered are genuine. Any buyer of a fake or spurious item shall be entitled to full refund. Any purchaser who doubts the authenticity of an item may request an opinion from a mutually acceptable authority. It is the responsibility of the buyer to (A) advise the seller of action undertaken within 25 days of purchase and (B) submit the item to a mutually acceptable authority promptly.

Expenses incurred shall be borne by the buyer except where the lot is other than as described, when the seller shall accept responsibility of the actual cost of the opinion up to $50 or 5 percent of the sale price (if the cost of the opinion is in excess of $50) with a maximum of $250. Proof of the inability of a mutually acceptable authority to express a definite opinion is not grounds for the return of an item.


Complaints must be sent to Linn's in writing. All sellers will be notified of complaints received in writing from buyers. Prompt adjustment by the seller, if warranted, and notification to Linn's will be expected as a condition for continued inclusion in Zillions of Stamps. Failure of a seller to adjust the cause of a complaint, or satisfactorily explain the same, will be considered sufficient reason for denying participation in Zillions of Stamps.


In the event an item is sold out, it should be deleted from the database promptly. Repeated failure to do so may result in expulsion from Zillions of Stamps.

Linn's reserves the right to deny participation in Zillions of Stamps to any party, for any reason, if it chooses.

I Agree to these terms!

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